Bailey Ranch Breeders

Our Trainer

Carolyn West


Here is a little about Carolyn:

After training in Mexico, Carolyn was hired by Sugarman Ranch in CA to work with their Andalusians. Under the tutelage of Hilda Guerney, Carolyn and Sugarman Ranch's Admirado competed successfully at Grand Prix. She later qualified Admirado at the USET selection trials. In the following years, Carolyn had many competitive successes with her own riding as well as her students. USDF First Level Horse of the Year with the Hanoverian stallion Armin, CDS Intermediate I horse of the Year aboard Guilio; coached students Alisa Hodge and Nick Wagman to qualify for CA Young Rider Team ultimately winning the gold medal consecutive years; the following year student Alisa Hodge won individual silver. Currently, Carolyn has received her "L" Certification from the USDF Judges Program. Loves teaching all levels.

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